
lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014

Teaching Adults with only one hour a week

 Regarding how one could improve English classes in Adult Education with only one hour a week………..Well, teaching English for an hour is a challenge indeed! What is more, teaching adults is even a greater challenge for anyone! Given that adults are very conscientious with their reasons to study and most probably they have a specific motive to do it, I think authenticity is the key to make ends meet here. As adults wish to learn something in relation to their specific needs, teachers should emphasize needs analysis and on this basis design their activities. I feel the key to effective learning here would be situational English, which focuses on situations learners most likely will encounter in their everyday, personal, social, academic or professional life. Therefore, situations that fine tune specific tasks they should address, are probably the answer to teaching adults for just about an hour per week!

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello everyone!!!!
    In my opinion, teaching English to Adults in just one hour is a hard work that teachers and students have to deal with. We both do our best to improve our teaching-learning process but there are a lot of things that we are not able to do in such a short period of time.That`s why teachers focus our classes on teaching just Grammar and teaching it in a not very useful way.

  2. I absolutely agree with your opinion MARH. Anyway, because of such a little time, we, teachers on English must focus on what the Educative Administration tells us to teach, which is mainly grammar to later be tested through written exams. It is a real pity!. Nonetheless I try to enhance those "compulsory" and somehow necessary pieces of knowledge with some videos and podcasts in English...some trips to watch a theatre play in English and some dancing performance of a song in English at the end of the academic year (this is NEW this year.....huh huh ...we will see how it comes out in June :-)

  3. Dear Antonio, sadly your comment may be true, but try to improve your classes with a little imagination, even you may surprise yourself if you think of , let us say, singing some songs in English on those less busy days.... :-)
